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KBreadcrumbs component is a navigational aid that displays the user's location within a website's hierarchy, offering a trail of links back to the parent or higher-level pages. Breadcrumbs help users understand their current position in the site and navigate more efficiently.



An array of breadcrumb items. Items that are not links, displayed at the end, will not be followed by a divider.

interface BreadcrumbItem {
  to?: object | string
  text?: string // breadcrumb text that will appear inside of anchor tag
  title?: string // will be used for html title attribute on the anchor tag, helpful when text is truncated
  key?: string // identifier, must be unique for each breadcrumb item
  maxWidth?: string
  <KBreadcrumbs :items="breadcrumbItems" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { BreadcrumbItem } from '@kong/kongponents'

const breadcrumbItems: BreadcrumbItem[] = [{
  key: 'home',
  to: { path: '/' },
  title: 'Go Home',
  text: 'Home',
  key: 'button',
  to: { path: '/components/button.html' },
  title: 'Go to KButton',
  text: 'KButton'
  key: 'not-here',
  title: 'Non-link item',
  text: 'Non-link item'
  key: 'here',
  to: { path: '/components/breadcrumb.html' },
  title: 'You are here',
  text: 'You are here'

The to property can be a Vue router object or a URL. In most scenarios you will build your breadcrumb items using your Vue application routes.

  <KBreadcrumbs :items="breadcrumbItems" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { BreadcrumbItem } from '@kong/kongponents'

const breadcrumbItems: BreadcrumbItem[] = [{
  key: 'google',
  to: '',
  title: 'Search at Google',
  text: 'Google'
  key: 'kongponents',
  to: { path: '/' },
  title: 'Kongponents',
  text: 'Kongponents'


Maximum width of each breadcrumb item for truncating to ellipsis. Defaults to 100px.




Content to be displayed between breadcrumb items, defaults to a forward slash /.

<KBreadcrumbs :items="breadcrumbItems">
  <template #divider>
    <!-- chevron right html symbol -->


You can slot individual breadcrumb icon content. Each breadcrumb will have an icon slot named after the item key or index (if no key provided).

  <KBreadcrumbs :items="breadcrumbItems">
    <template #icon-home>
      <KongIcon :color="KUI_COLOR_TEXT_DECORATIVE_AQUA" />
    <template #icon-breadcrumb-1>
      <DataObjectIcon :color="KUI_COLOR_TEXT_DECORATIVE_PURPLE" />

<script setup lang="ts">
import { BreadcrumbItem } from '@kong/kongponents'

const breadcrumbItems: BreadcrumbItem[] = [{
  key: 'home',
  to: { path: '/' },
  title: 'Go Home',
  text: 'Home',
  to: { path: '/components/breadcrumbs.html' },
  title: 'Go to Breadcrumbs',
  text: 'Breadcrumbs'

Released under the Apache-2.0 License.